Desert Wind Fans

Spreading the Beauty of Spirit
Please click here to visit the more recent testimonial page at

~ Bringing Hope to the Planet ~

"Your music helped transform my life.
The lyrics inspire the highest and best of humanity."
Susan Rose/Arianna- Pittsburgh


"The vibes & music you guys give out are so great,
I could have stayed on that stage all week!"
Morocco's Meanderings- New York, NY

"I love dancing to and teaching my students with the music of Desert Wind."
Thia - Salt Lake City

 Mezdulene, Editor of Jareeda Magazine

                                                                "I use the music of Desert Wind on all of my teaching and performing      
                                                                                                videos. Their music inspires, enchants and transports me,
                                                                                                                                               my students and my audiences." 


Fan Mail from Around the World!

Perry has truly seen the vision of Shekhinah!
He honors Spirit in the creation of his
beautiful lyrics pages in celebration of Her!
Spiderwoman and Olam Haba (World to Come)

"A group of us were visiting the Shuar Tribe in the Amayzon
this past August and sang Gaia, Earth Goddess to them. They were absolutely entranced with the words.
Thank you."
- John Ketulas, Portland, OR

"For me your music is breathtaking, the sort of music than is uplifting
and brings a feeling of well being. More than that though
it brings a serenity that I have never encountered in music before
and thus I feel it is soul enriching. It is my little slice of Heaven
and I am so looking forward to hearing in full all your other CD's.
Actually, I feel like all my Christmases have come at once
VBG!!! VERY BIG GRIN Anyway, You have such a wonderful gift
and must bring so much joy and peace to a world gone quite insane....
Thankyou for sharing your talent and I hope you continue to bring
sunshine into the lives of us your listeners. Thanks again
and I look forward to listening to many hours of your
beautiful music." - Taylor Marie St James, South Australia

"Thanks for getting your last order out fast .
We gave backorders already. We just got back from Berlin.
I met a dance teacher there who was looking for dance music.
She has all your titles and said it is the only music
she finds suitable for her work." - Dharma Music
Dance Teacher is Sabine Suhr-Wood, Rubenstr. 89, Berlin, Germany

"I loved the mystical quality in the music.
It transported me back to Safed. How does an attorney have so much time
available to make such beautiful music?""""
- Hebrew, from the mountains of upper Galilee, Israel

"I own a store in the Netherlands, specialized in belly dance:
clothing, books, music, video and all related articles.
The Dutch Belly dansers are love to dance at your music and so do I.""
- Alli Sonmez, The Netherlands

"Your music is superb . . .
and thanks again for your magnificent artistry. "

- Jean Houston (The World)

Jeanine, from California/Oregon

"I've been dancing for 25 years in clubs in La Jolla and San Diego
and I feel I'm a very seasoned
dancer... However, I was in AWE
of each and every one of you,
and the entire band together.
You are the music of the spheres come to earth.
I was toally focused right in the middle of where
you were playing
and not even in my body.
Thanks for the time of a lifetime."
- Jeanine, California/Oregon

"My dance teacher Cynthia has this wonderfully beautiful CD,
Gaia - Earth Goddess." - Anita Iversen, Olsokhagen, Norway

Dot- Pittsburgh    Morning Star- Pittsburgh

"Listening to Desert Wind's music before leaving for work
connects me with spiritual energy.
It's a wonderful way to start my day!"   Dot- Pittsburgh

Raihana- Pittsburgh  and Ileena- Altoona Pennsylvania
Mizeyah- Warren, OH   Shakti- Pittsburgh

"Thank You for bringing Goddess Consciousness to the public.
Others have done this, but you do it so well!" - Mizeyah

Lady Isis- Pittsburgh   Jauhara- Arcata, California

Your music is played for my women's weekends.
I enjoy all your arrangements.
Thank you. Peace. - Gerry Lamb, Kirkwood, MO

"The show was exceptional, and the performers were, without a doubt,
some of the finest representations of our chosen art form.
As we entered the theater, the spiritual sounds produced live
by a fabulous band, Desert Wind, greeted us. I was so impressed
with their music that I immediately ordered their CD and intend to order
their new release Sarasvati: A Celebration of World Dance."
-Quote is from "Jareeda" - the international middle eastern dance magazine,
as reviewed in "First Annual Middle-Eastern Dance Awards"
by Marula (Sameda President) in Los Angeles California.

 "One of my (dance) students is a massage therapist
and she has been using selections from Kali Ma,
Gaia, & Return to the Goddess as background music
for her sessions." - Cynthia Baumann, Audobon, PA

 "Desert Wind made our Easter service so exciting!
Thank you all for bringing us the wonderful music, the shakers,
and for making the day special. You are all really tremendous. "
Love, Beattie - Church of Religious Science, SLC, UT

"Desert Wind put it all on an elevator, then took it to the topmost level
of modern instrumentation and New Age eclectic influences.
It's still full of all the exotic sounds you expect from the music,
including tablas and timbales, but with a playful sense of experimentation.
On occasion, the band even pulls a percussive take of "Amazing Grace"
out of their sleeves - Ben Fulton writing for City Weekly, SLC, UT

"I'm in North San Diego County, California,
and I plan on attending your show!...The audio bytes sound great.
I can hardly wait to hear more!...Om shanti," - Drew Wieland

"Thank you for the Beautiful music.
I am sure your mother has been proud and honored by your work."
- Patricia Thomas from Phoenix, AZ.

"Dear Alan and friends, . . . I love it!
I particularly like what you had to say as a man on the GAIA CD liner notes.
It feels very affirming to me as a woman to hear those words
coming from a man." - Debbie Kordon from Oakland, CA.

"Thank you soooooo much for your love, joy,
and dedication to the world through your music.
You are an inspiration, and I will relish your music for years!"
- Donna Wolf, Society for the Universal Human, Portland Oregon.

"I just had to write to you to tell you how much I love your
Shekhina tape. It's hard to describe how powerful the music is
and how it has added to my life and my spiritual reservoir."
-C. Gilbert, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin

"Your Return to the Goddess leaves us spellbound,
touching time trancending silence, while moving our bodies
into new dimensions of aliveness."
-Viktoras Kulvinskas and Youkta

"I just received the four pack "Sarasvati"
and am filled with love & appreciation. Your music embodies
my understanding of the divine. And so I feel "met" in soul & spirit.
...You've inspired a whole village of spititualists here.
Let us know if you have any plans to travel East...
May your inspiration flourish, your music flow, and all your people
thrive on in joy. With gratitude, Sara Schley, Wendell, MA"
"There has always been Goddess music, this is true-
but not like yours." -M. Patenaude, Salem Oregon

"The time is ripe for this music as Shekhinah transforms
our consciousness. This tape will transform the listener."
-Geela Rayzel Raphael, Philadelphia, PA.

"I own all your CDs which I got through Ladyslipper
over the course of the last few years. As always your music is
enchanting and even haunting at times.
Best wishes on your continued success."
- Mavjb (Another Internet Fan)

"I was completely blown away!
The look on my co-host's face was absolutely priceless
when he heard Scorpio Rising.
He looked as stunned as I must have been the first time
I listened to it." - L.P.F., Pagan Outlook, WAIF FM 88.3,
Cincinnati, OH

"It was truly a delight to experience your marvelous performance
at the Society for the Universal Human Conference.
Thank you for opening your heart and hands and letting God's love
flow through you and bless us with your talents.
Many, many blessings to you and your work."
-Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey, Portland, Oregon

If you would like to see your comments or photo here,

please e-mail Thank You!

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